The Evolutionary Game Analysis of Cross-county Enterprise Operation Strategies 跨县域政策下企业运营策略的演化博弈分析
By using the evolutionary game theory, we study the process of formation about the relationship between the members of network organization, and the operation mechanism. 利用演化博弈论研究了网络组织内成员间关系和作用机制的形成过程。
Traditional optimization algorithm can't find good solutions to optimal operative model in high dimension space, thus orthogonal agent evolutionary algorithm is proposed to solve the direct optimal operation model in Hangzhou. 针对优化调度的传统优化算法存在高维空间寻优能力较差的问题,提出了正交多智能体进化算法,并将其应用于求解杭州供水系统直接优化调度模型。
This paper, an idea or method was proposed that 2-level orthogonal design in evolutionary operation experiment design was insteaded by uniform design. 本文提出了在调优试验设计中用均匀设计代替2-水平正交设计的思想及方法。
Complex evolutionary inversion operation on uniformly charging electric field of the thin rectangle tabular body 均匀充电矩形薄板电场复形调优反演计算
Evolutionary Strategy is used to compose optimization algorithm, since Evolutionary Strategy has many excellent virtues, such as direct operation, self-adaptability, and high diversity. 在设计优化模块时,采用演化策略来构成优化算法。演化策略算法具有独特的优点:演化策略直接在解空间上进行操作,它强调演化过程中从父体到后代行为的自适应性和多样性。
Process System Evolutionary Operation Based on Energy Flowsheet Simulation 基于能量流程模拟的过程系统操作调优
Evolutionary Operation for an Ethylene Oxidation Reactor 乙烯氧化反应器的生产操作调优
The new algorithm can overcome the adverse effects due to the unsuitable learning rate toward the whole genetic evolutionary process, improve specific operation steps of genetic operators, and adopt elitist strategy toward current optimization individual. 该算法克服了由于学习率选取不当对整个遗传进化过程造成的不利影响,改进了遗传算子具体操作步骤,并对当前最优个体采用最优保留策略。
Model of Evolutionary Operation for Glutamic Acid Fermentation 谷氨酸发酵调优操作模型
Calculation of Ethylene Yield for Different Naphtha Feeds and Directing Evolutionary Operation for Cracking Furnace 不同石脑油原料乙烯收率的估算与裂解炉调优方向
Using this method, many initial R-edge-connectivity graph is random formed based on a heuristic algorithm, and then using the excellent globally tracking ability of the evolutionary programming, the optimal solution is tracked by mutation operation based on some regulation. 该方法首先采用启发式算法随机形成初始R边连通图,利用进化规划算法的全局搜索性能,通过一定的规则进行变异操作搜索问题的最优解。
Since the clonal operator can combine the evolutionary search and random search, and incorporate the global search with local search, by the clonal operation on candidate solutions, the new algorithm can quickly obtain the global optimum. 在新算法中,由于克隆算子能够将进化搜索与随机搜索、全局搜索和局部搜索相结合,因而通过对候选解进行克隆算子操作,能够快速得到全局最优解。
Application of Evolutionary Operation to Increase Analytical Experimental Quality 调优运算法在提高分析质量中的应用
Reactor Sensitivity Analysis in Off-line Evolutionary Operation 反应器离线调优操作中灵敏性分析
After analysis on the parallelism of evolutionary computation, the method of DCOM Model is selected to realize the evolutionary optimization method, and the base for the research on the simulated evolutionary optimization theory using in operation optimization of thermal system is established. 通过对进化计算的本质并行性分析,确定在具体实现进化优化算法时采用DCOM模型的方法,为模拟进化优化理论在热力系统优化运行中的研究奠定了基础。
Based on the uniform design, the inner and outer array are given, the robustness of the program of securities investment is estimated by means of signal-to-noise ratio, the sequential experimentation is designed for evolutionary operation. 包括基于均匀设计安排内表和外表,采用信噪比度量投资方案的稳健性,并设计序贯试验进行调优运算等。
The imitated results showed that the intrinsic location of evolutionary operation experiment design was broken through after the application of uniform design. 仿真模拟结果表明均匀设计的应用可以使调优试验设计原有的局限得到了突破。
Evolutionary design system is responsible for extracting product genes and establishing product gene tree, managing evolutionary algorithms and evolutionary operation, and realizing product design mission in the end. 演化设计系统负责提取产品实例基因,建立产品基因树,管理演化算法和演化设计操作,最终实现产品设计任务。
The author analyzes the influential factors of urban tourism competitiveness, expounds the structure and functions of urban tourism competitiveness system. The evolutionary process and mechanism of operation power are made an inquiry into. 第三部分是城市旅游竞争力的系统分析。对城市旅游竞争力的影响要素、城市旅游竞争力系统的结构和功能、演化阶段及动力机制做了系统介绍。
Considering the traditional evolutionary algorithm is easy to fall into local optimum and convergence insufficiency, the adaptive evolutionary algorithm is used to adjust the evolution operation factor for guaranteeing the optimization search fast convergence and prematurity. 考虑到传统演化算法容易陷入局部最优而导致早熟现象的出现,采用改进的自适应演化算法来调节演化操作因子,保证寻优搜索快速收敛并且不易早熟。
Take the fact for example, apply the improved Multi-objective optimization evolutionary algorithm to the design of reservoir optimal operation, and achieve the result of better than traditional optimization method. 以事实为例,将改进的多目标优化进化算法应用于水库优化调度设计,达到优于传统优化方法的结果。
Genetic programming mimics the evolutionary strategies of organisms in nature and searches for the best solution by selection, crossover and mutation operation. 遗传规划算法是模拟自然界中生物的进化策略,通过选择、交叉、变异等遗传操作,搜索目标的最优解。
Genetic algorithm is based on the population evolutionary mechanism and bio-genetic mechanism imitation in nature, individuals in the population has a probability operation of selection, mutation and crossover. 遗传算法(GeneticAlgorithm,GA)是基于对自然界中的种群进化机理和生物遗传机理的模仿,对种群中的个体进行具有概率性的选择、变异和交叉操作。
In view of the evolutionary strategy to introduce the workflow engine to re-engineering, it creatively put forward the overall project design which took system operation flow design primarily, module design as auxiliary. 针对将工作流引擎引入再工程的进化策略,创造性地提出了以系统业务流程设计为主,模块设计为辅总体设计方案。